Have you ever just starred at people. Before you freak out and say I don't want to be a weirdo just starring at people think about it. The french do it all the time. They just sit in there little cafes drinking coffee and watching people go by. Now granted it may not be all for style but I think this is something we should all try. People can be a big source of inspiration and new ideas. You could be the most fashionable at school, work, or daily life but like everything there is always room to grow or improve. With that note I encourage you to look around, take a glance, observe new styles. See what you find and let me know. I promise you it's not that hard just take a picture, comment on this post, tell me the styles you see. Hopefully, last week you discovered your own personal style. Now moving on from your own personal style now extending yourself to learn from others is a hard task if your not open minded and you become to ju...